Monthly Archives: July 2015

If you happen to use your personal vehicle for business purposes or you have a vehicle dedicated to you by your business you may be able to deduct some of the expense need to keep it road worthy. While learning how to effectively manage your auto expenses the deductions can be well worth the time. […]

The tax season is upon us and now is the perfect time for taxpayers to make sure they know the relationship between their health insurance coverage and the two tax forms that help figure out the amount of tax credit that is due to each person. Forms 8962 (Premium Tax Credit) and Form 1095-A (Health […]

There is a chance that if you have children that they may be required to file a tax return, even if they are a dependent child. Generally, children will be held accountable for filing any returns as well as paying taxes that may be owed along with penalties and interest. The parents may also hold […]

Every year you are required to pay taxes on any earnings from investment income. For example, if you have a savings account that accrues $2,000 in interest you will have to add that amount to your taxable income and will be required to pay taxes on it. There are certain investments which are tax free, […]