Tag Archives: Scholarships
Having some way to help pay for college expenses can make the whole process a lot easier. Scholarships, grants, and fellowships are a great way to make payment easier. Scholarships and grants are generally paid to a student for a specific school or institution. Fellowships are similar, although money can be used for study and […]
If you paid tuition at a qualifying college or other higher education institution you will received a Form 1098-T: Tuition Statement. If you go to a college, university or vocational school that participates in the Department of Education programs for student aid they are qualified institutions. Form 1098-T will listed any expenses related to your […]
One fact to remember when trying to figure out the difference between taxable and non-taxable income is that not all income is specifically excluded by to be taxable. Pretty much any tips or wages made from employment is considered taxable income. Also income gained from services and/or property, no matter if it is cash or […]